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Everyone Deserves a Chance

Future for the Youth is a non-profit initiative that was started to bring light to environmental issues and the social injustices that come along with them

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  • Empower Youth
  • Enviroment & Injustice
  • Amplify Voices
  • Small Actions Matter

Our Mission

At Future for The Youth, we stand as a non-profit initiative dedicated to shedding light on pressing environmental challenges and the interconnected web of social injustices they entail. We recognize that the voices of the youth are often marginalized or dismissed, despite being the very voices that will shape and navigate the course of the future. It is this generation that will inherit the consequences of decisions made today.

A dramatic ocean scene with lava forming a new land mass.

Ideas in Motion

Our mission is rooted in the belief that every action, no matter how seemingly insignificant, holds the potential to drive positive change. We strive to amplify the voices of the youth, providing them with a platform to express their concerns, insights, and innovative solutions.

By fostering dialogue and collaboration, we seek to bridge the gap between generations, policy makers, and communities, forging a path towards a more sustainable and just future.

Futuristic learning experiences

Join us in our endeavor to cultivate a world where the energy and determination of todays youth are the driving forces behind a future that is not only environmentally sound, but also socially equitable. Together, we can forge a path to empower tomorrow – a tomorrow shaped by unity, resilience, and unwavering commitment to the well-being of our planet and its people.

Real Experiences

Our end goal is to promote our project internationally. Future for The Youth is destined to be a global movement, not just a local change.


Learners can connect with us anytime, anywhere through the power of the internet. Regardless of your location, you will be able to contact and connect with Future for The Youth.


We strive to invent creative ways to get our message across globaly. Wether its using social media, to word of mouth to interactive games that inspire the youth to make a change, Future for The Youth never lacks creativity to get their message going.

End Goal

Our goal at Future for the Youth is clear: to illuminate the urgent environmental issues intertwined with social injustices. As a united voice for the often disregarded youth, we aim to create change by raising awareness and driving action, no matter how small. Our mission is to empower this generation to shape a brighter, more equitable future through collective effort and unwavering determination.

Join us in our endeavor to cultivate a world where the energy and determination of todays youth are the driving forces behind a future that is not only environmentally sound, but also socially equitable. Together, we can forge a path to empower tomorrow – a tomorrow shaped by unity, resilience, and unwavering commitment to the well-being of our planet and its people.